At Westgate Primary School we have an assembly every day. Our assemblies are an important opportunity to come together as a school to listen, contribute and reflect upon the theme of the day.
Reverend Jonathan and his team
Monday morning is our whole school assembly. At this assembly we all meet together in the main hall. Our assemblies are themed and are often inspired by our school value system or by a national event or charitable fundraising appeal.
Tuesday and Thursday - class assemblies
These assemblies are held in the classrooms and have a key focus each week following our school values.
Mr. Watson and Mrs. Wormington share these whole school assemblies which focus on the Westgate Values.
These whole school assemblies are an opportunity for us to come together and share the successes of the week as we celebrate our Superstars, our gold star winners, our writers of the week, our attendance award winners and the class with the highest reading percentage.
Reverend Jonathan brought each class a giant sunflower and these beautiful flowers were the theme of his assembly. We also shared photographs of Keegan during his visit to the farm where he got to ride in a tractor and find out about ploughing fields.
Mrs. Sampson - Choir Leader
Wednesday is our singing assembly where the children learn a wide range of songs which are often sung in relation to upcoming events and themes. For example –Harvest songs, songs from other cultures, songs relating to various religious festivals, songs for different seasons, Easter themed songs and Christmas Carols.
Mr. Clewes - Senior Leader
Thursday morning is our whole school assembly. At this assembly we all meet together in the main hall. Our assemblies are themed and are often inspired by our school value system or by a national event or charitable fundraising appeal.
Mr. Watson and all class teachers
Friday assemblies are our celebration assemblies. Class teachers present ‘Superstar certificates’ to two children in their class each week. Golden star certificates are handed out when the children are awarded 10 gold stars for high-quality work, being helpful or for good behaviour. The class with the highest attendance for the week are awarded a certificate and the housepoints scores for the week are read out by the house captains. Any child who has been awarded a trophy, medal or certificate outside of school (karate, swimming, football, netball etc) can have this presented in front of the whole school during the assembly. We also have presentations from the Junior Road Safety Officers, the School Council and the Eco-Schools group and we also remind children about upcoming events such as our fundraising projects or Friends of Westgate events.
Class Assemblies
Each class prepares and performs one assembly during the year. Parents are invited to attend and share in their children’s success. .
Musical Assemblies
We are very fortunate to be supported by Leamington Music, who arrange for talented musicians to perform for us in order to inspire the children.
We were very fortunate to have been visited by Andrey Lebedev. He was born in Adelaide to a Russian family, and is the winner of top international competitions including both the ARD Competition in Germany and the Guitar Foundation of America Competition. Andrey entertained us with some amazing playing and detailed descriptions of the guitar and the range of sounds that can be made without plucking strings. Andrey answered many wonderful questions from the children and received rapturous applause after each piece of music he played.
NSPCC Assembly
We were visited by a guest speaker from the NSPCC who talked to the children about keeping safe and the NSPCC ‘PANTS’ initiative with the key message that ‘Privates are private’
Class teachers have also reinforced the message that children should always remember:
- Your body belongs to you,
- No means no,
- Talk about secrets that upset you,
- Speak up, someone can help.
We raised over £500 for the NSPCC and they kindly ran workshops with our children in Key Stage 2 to reinforce the key messages above.