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Westgate Primary School

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Year 4 Writing Examples

In this page, you will find some examples of what is expected of Year 4 writers who are meeting all the age-related requirements. SCROLL DOWN to find out what to expect from your children and some of the reasons why this is expected at Year 4. All the examples below are from "extended writing" sessions, which are generally over two lessons and are completed independently having spent previous lessons building up and practising writing skills.


Why is this writing at the age-related expectation (ARE) for the end of Year 4?

  • Use paragraphs to group information.


  • Capital letters, full stops, question and exclamation marks, possessive apostrophes and commas are used accurately.


  • Spell all common words correctly and spell most of Year 3 and 4 common exception words, attempting longer words.


  • Neat, legible and joined handwriting.


  • Correctly punctuation speech:

e.g. “Look, I used punctuation inside the inverted commas,” said Ian


  • Accurate use of tense, including present perfect (e.g. She has walked to the shops).


  • Use prepositions (e.g. under, in, on, with, at) and conjunctions (e.g. and, because, since, although) to extend and add detail to sentences.


  • Proof read their writing to check for errors and correct these independently.


  • Use adjectives and adverbs to add detail to their writing.

Examples of writing expectations at the end of the Autumn Term
