Curriculum Overview and Expectations
Intent and our Golden Threads
At Westgate our curriculum encompasses creativity, culture and sporting opportunities. Learning is at the heart of everything we do, it broadens and values opportunities for each individual to grow and develop. We believe happy children learn.
Our curriculum is planned to inspire children, to nurture a passion for learning, encouraging inquisitiveness and confidence in our pupils. It is planned progressively, to develop skills and support the retention of knowledge whilst being adapted to suit the needs of all children; its inclusive approach promotes an enjoyment of learning and a commitment to lifelong learning and achievement.
Our curriculum is designed alongside our school ethos of…
We Teach | We Learn | We Care |
All of our children receive a rich and ambitious curriculum where pupils are given meaningful, real-life experiences across core and foundation subjects. We plan our curriculum carefully in sequences with a focus on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and vocabulary required for future learning and the cultural capital that our pupils need to be successful in the wider world. | We track pupils rigorously and address any gaps in core skills quickly to avoid them falling behind. Reading is a particular focus for us and our curriculum is planned around providing as many opportunities to develop reading skills as possible across all curriculum areas. Our staff are passionate about fostering a love of reading in our pupils and a newly introduced reading reward scheme is already leading to an increase in the amount that children read outside of school.
| Personal, social and emotional development is at the centre of all we do at Westgate and we work relentlessly to ensure that our pupils leave our school with the essential key skills. Adults in school foster a love of learning in our pupils with a clear focus on children at all levels achieving their full potential. Our curriculum is adapted and personalised to meet the needs of our SEND pupils who receive the support necessary to develop fluency and independence. Our more able pupils are given the opportunity to extend their knowledge across the curriculum and through links with secondary schools who offer even greater challenge and raise aspiration. |
Three Golden threads are the building blocks to drive our curriculum, providing a framework for learning and help to deepen children’s understanding of what is being taught.
These threads are significant, transferable ideas that have a real world meaning and help children make sense of the world around them.
These threads are revisited within and across year groups so that children build upon their existing knowledge.
Golden thread 1 - Equality and Diversity
Golden thread 2 - Ambition and Aspiration
Golden thread 3 - Continuity and Change
Our curriculum is driven by three golden threads that provide a framework for learning and help to deepen children’s understanding of what is being taught.
These threads are significant, transferable ideas that have a real world meaning and help children make sense of the world around them.
These threads are revisited within and across year groups so that children build upon their existing knowledge.
Golden Thread 1: Equality and Diversity
Golden thread 1 - Equality and Diversity
In this thread, we develop a culture of inclusion for all where all children feel proud of their identify and are able to participate fully in school life.
We investigate discrimination through history and encourage children to be change agents.
Children address prejudice and bullying and support others to reach their potential.
Children learn about the concepts of democracy and power. They develop an understanding of authority and justice.
Our sports premium ensures all children have access to free after school clubs and a range of sporting activities.
Golden Thread 2: Ambition and Aspiration
Golden thread 2 - Ambition and Aspiration
This thread focuses on children’s own personal ambitions as well as those of others. They look at key influential people in history and develop a key understanding of how to develop their own aspirations. Planning ensures children have opportunities to follow their own interests and develop new skills. Children learn about enterprise and develop their sense of community.
We take pupil leadership seriously and have an active School Council and Eco-School Council. We also have trained Well-being Ambassadors, House Captains, Year 6 ‘buddies’ and ‘Huff and Puff’ lunchtime leaders. Children develop their understanding of equality and diversity alongside developing their pupil voice.
We encourage a range of people to visit the school with different specialities so that children can see the different role models and aspire to different careers.
Golden Thread 3: Continuity and Change
Golden thread 3 - Continuity and Change
The thread of continuity and change looks at how things change.
Children identify similarities and differences in different areas across subjects.
Children make connections within and between subjects and concepts. They see how things relate to themselves and others.
Children learn about sustainability and how we can have an impact on the world.
Children see themselves as change agents as they develop their pupil voice. This shows them they can make changes and have an impact.
The curriculum is overseen by Mrs. Wormington who can be contacted on 01926 492015 or by email at