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Easter holiday - Spelling list

Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning


1) signature - noun - a person's name written in a distinctive way to act as identification

2) assign - verb - to allocate a job or task

3) design - noun/verb - a plan or drawing of something to be produced/ to decide how something will look or be made

4) designate - verb - to appoint someone to a specific role

5) significant - adjective - noteworthy; important enough to deserve attention

6) resignation - noun - the act of resigning from a job

7) resign - verb - to voluntarily leave a job

8) insignificant - adjective - too small or unimportant to be worth considering

9) assignment - noun - a task or piece of work allocated to people for studying

10) signal - noun - a gesture or action to give an instruction.

15th-22nd March - spelling list


Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning


1) accommodate - verb - to provide a room or space for someone or something

2) accompany - verb - to go somewhere with someone as their companion

3) access - verb/noun - to get into an area/ a spot where you can get in

4) accuse - verb - to charge someone with a crime or offence

5) accost - verb - to approach someone boldly or aggressively

6) accrue - verb - to gain something in amounts regularly

7) accuracy - noun - the quality or state of being precise or on target

8) accomplish - verb - to achieve or complete something successfully

9) accumulate - verb - to gather together or gain an increasing number of something

10) accentuate - verb - to make more noticeable or prominent

8th-14th March - spelling list

Words with a 'soft c' spelt 'ce'


1) cemetery - noun - a large burial ground, usually found in a churchyard

2) certificate - noun - an official document to prove you have completed something

3) celebrate - verb - to do something to acknowledge an event, like a birthday

4) necessary - adjective - needed to be done

5) deceased - adjective - recently dead

6) December - proper noun - the twelfth month of the year

7) sacrifice - verb - to give something up; to kill or offer something as a religious sacrifice

8) hindrance - noun - a thing that causes a delay or a problem

9) nuisance - adjective - annoying or intrusive

10) prejudice - noun - having a negative idea about someone/something that is not based on a reason or actual experience

1st-7th March 2024 - spelling list


Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a consonant letter


1) partial - adjective - part of; not complete

2) confidential - adjective - meant to be kept secret

3) essential - adjective - extremely important or necessary

4) substantial - adjective - a large amount

5) torrential - adjective - falling rapidly and in large quantities

6) sequential - adjective - forming or following in a logical order/in a sequence

7) potential - adjective - having or showing the capability to develop in the future

8) spatial - adjective - used to describe a space or area

9) martial - adjective - relating to fighting or war

10) influential - adjective - having a great influence on something or someone

24th February - 1st March - Spelling list

Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a vowel letter


1) official - adjective - relating to authority

2) special - adjective - better, greater or otherwise different from what is usual

3) artificial - adjective - made or producing by humans rather than being formed naturally

4) social - adjective - relating to society or its organisation

5) racial - adjective - relating to major groupings that humankind is sometimes divided based on physical or ancestral characteristics

6) crucial - adjective - decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something

7) facial - adjective - of or affecting the face

8) beneficial - adjective - resulting in good; favourable or advantageous

9) superficial - adjective - existing or occurring at the top or on the surface

10) antisocial - adjective - acting against what is normally socially acceptable, generally causing annoyance.

9th-23rd February 2024 - spelling list

Statutory Spelling Challenge Words


1) attached - adjective - joined to something

2) available - adjective - able to be used or obtained

3) average - adjective - in Maths it can be the mean, mode, median or range; in more general terms, it is the general amount

4) controversy - noun - a long-lasting disagreement, usually in public

5) correspond - verb - to have a close similarity

6) embarrass - verb - to cause someone to feel awkward, self-conscious or ashamed

7) competition - noun - an activity or condition where individuals or groups try to show they are the best

8) especially - adverb - used to single out one person or thing above the others

9) conscience - noun - the sense or consciousness of moral goodness

10) exaggerate - verb - represent something as being better, bigger or worse than it really is

1st-8th February 2024 - spelling list

Word Families Based on Common Words, Showing How Words Are Related in Form and Meaning


1) interrupt - verb - to stop something from happening

2) interfere - verb - to prevent something from happening properly

3) intercept - verb - to cut something off and take it before it gets to where it was supposed to go

4) interject - verb - to say something abruptly, often to interrupt

5) intertwine - verb - to twist together

6) interim - noun - the time in between two things

7) internal - adjective - something on the inside

8) intersperse - verb - to scatter among or between other things

9) interloper - noun - a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted

10) interest - the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone more

26th January - 1st February - Spelling list


Spellings That Belong to the Same Family of Words 

1) commit - verb - to carry out an action or to promise to do something 

2) committee - noun - a group of people put together to make decisions for a larger purpose or group of people 

3) transmit - verb - to pass something on from one place or person to another 

4) submit - verb - to send in something (like work) or to give in to a superior force 

5) commitment - noun - the state or quality of being committed to a cause 

6) emit - verb - to produce or discharge (such as producing sound) 

7) permit - verb/noun - to allow someone to do something/a document that officially allows someone to do something 

8) intermittent - adjective - occurring every so often or irregularly 

9) omit - verb - to leave something out 

10) unremitting - adjective - never letting up or never relaxing 

19th-26th January 2024 - spelling list


Words with a Long /e/ Sound Spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ after ‘c’ (And Exceptions)


1) deceive - verb - to deliberately cause someone to believe something that is not true

2) conceive - verb - to form something, like an idea

3) receive - verb - to be given something

4) perceive - verb - to become aware of something

5) ceiling - noun - the upper inside part of a room

6) receipt - noun - the action of receiving something; something that shows you have received something

7) protein - noun - thins found in food like meat and beans that help to repair and grow our muscles

8) caffeine - noun - a legal drug that stimulates the nervous system of your body found in tea, coffee, coke and energy drinks

9) seize - verb - to suddenly and forcefully take hold of something.

10) neither - determiner - to show that you do not want any of the two objects

13th-19th January 2024 - spelling list


Words with a Long /e/ Sound Spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ After ‘c’ (and Exceptions)


1) siege - noun - a military operation to attack a place

2) niece - noun - the daughter of someone's brother or sister

3) grief - noun - intense sorrow, often caused by someone's death

4) chief - noun - a leader or ruler of a group/clan

5) fiend - noun - an evil spirit or demon

6) shriek - noun - a high-pitched, piercing scream, usually in fear

7) believe - verb - to accept something is true

8) achieve - verb - to successfully do something, usually through effort

9) convenience - noun - the state of being able to do something without much effort

10) mischievous - adjective - causing trouble or enjoying causing trouble

9th-12th January 2024 - Spellings


Adding Suffixes Beginning with Vowel Letters to Words Ending in -fer


1) referring - present tense verb - mentioning or alluding to something

2) referred - past tense verb - mentioned or alluded to

3) referral - noun - the act of referring, such as to a doctor

4) reference - noun - information someone refers to

5) referee - noun - an official person who watches to make sure the rules are followed

6) preferring - present tense verb - to like one thing more than another

7) preferred - past tense verb - to like one thing more than another

8) preference - noun - the thing you like more than the other thing

9) transferring - verb - moving one thing from one place to another

10) transference - noun - the action of moving one thing from one place to another

12th- 22nd December 2023 - Weekly spelling list


Prefixes micro- and mini-


1) minibus - noun - a small bus

2) miniskirt - noun - a short skirt

3) minicam - noun - a small camera

4) minimum - noun - the smallest amount

5) microscope - noun - a device used for seeing very small objects in greater detail

6) microchip - noun - a tiny wafer of semiconducting material used to make an integrated circuit

7) minibeast - noun - a small invertebrate like an insect or a spider

8) microphone - noun - a device that converts sound waves into electrical energy that can then be amplified (made louder)

9) minicab - noun - a type of taxi

10) microwave - noun - a very small electromagnet waves that is used in for radars and cooking

1st-8th December - Spelling list


Word Families Based on Common Words


1) suggest - verb - to put forward for consideration

2) digest - verb - to break down food in the body

3) congestion - noun - a build of something that blocks a passage

4) gesture - noun - a movement with a body part to express a meaning

5) gestation - noun - the process of developing inside the womb between conception and birth

6) lightning - noun - an electric discharge in the sky

7) daylight - noun - the natural light of the day

8) enlighten - verb - to give greater knowledge about a subject

9) twilight - noun - the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon

10) limelight - noun - the focus of public attention

24th November - 1st December - Weekly Spelling List


Words That Belong to the Same Word Family


1) temperature - noun - the measure of hot or cold

2) temper - noun - a person's state of mind, whether they are angry or calm

3) temperament - noun - a person's or animal's nature, especially as it affects their behaviour

4) tempered - adjective - usually used as part of a combined word, like ill-tempered, to describe someone's temper

5) variety - noun - the state or quality of being different

6) vary - verb - to differ in something, such as sizes

7) variation - noun - a change in something's condition from one to the next

8) varied - adjective - describing a lot of differences

9) variable - adjective - not consistent; not having a fixed pattern

10) variance - noun - the state of being different

17th-24th November - Spelling list


Words Ending in -ably


1) adorably - adverb - in a way that inspires great affection

2) valuably - adverb - in a valuable way

3) believably - adverb - in a a believable way

4) changeably - adverb - able to be changed

5) noticeably - adverb - in a what that is easily seen or noticed

6) dependably - adverb - in a trustworthy or predictable way

7) considerably - adverb - by a noticeably large amount

8) comfortably - adverb - in a physically relaxed way

9) tolerably - adverb - capable of being tolerated

10) reasonably - adverb - in a sensible way

10th-17th November - Spelling list

-able Endings Where the Root Word Ends in ‘e’


1) adorable - adjective - inspiring delight or great affection

2) valuable - adjective - worth a great deal of money

3) advisable - adjective - sensible; to be recommended

4) believable - adjective - able to be believed

5) desirable - adjective - wished for as being useful or attractive

6) excitable - adjective - easily excited

7) knowledgeable - adjective - intelligent and well-informed

8) likeable - adjective - pleasant, friendly or easy to like

9) changeable - adjective - able to be changed, often easily

10) noticeable - adjective - easily seen or noticed

6th-10th November - Spelling list

Words Ending in -able


  1. applicable - adjective - relevant or appropriate
  2. tolerable - adjective - able to be endured
  3. operable - adjective - able to be used
  4. considerable - adjective - notably large in size or amount
  5. comfortable - adjective - providing a feeling of physical ease or relaxation
  6. reasonable - adjective - fair and sensible
  7. perishable - adjective - likely to decay or go bad quickly
  8. breakable - adjective - capable of breaking or being broken
  9. dependable - adjective - trustworthy or reliable
  10. fashionable - adjective - the current popular style

20th-26th October - Spelling List


Hyphenated Compound Adjectives


  1. man-eating - adjective - describes something that could eat a person
  2. tight-fisted - adjective - describes someone who does not want to give something away, such as money
  3. little-used - adjective - describes when something is not used very much
  4. cold-hearted - adjective - describes when someone shows no caring for others
  5. rock-bottom - adjective - describes the lowest emotional point for someone
  6. stone-faced - adjective - describes someone not showing any emotion despite what is happening around them
  7. wide-eyed - adjective - describes a surprised expression
  8. green-eyed - adjective - describes a jealous or envious emotion
  9. pig-headed - adjective - describes someone acting in a way where they will not listen to reason
  10. short-tempered - adjective - describes when someone is quick to becoming angry

29th September - 5th October - Spelling list


Hyphenated prefix words


1) co-operate - verb - to work with someone or another group

2) re-educate - verb - to educate someone again in a subject

3) co-ordinate - verb - to bring different parts together in order to organise them

4) re-examine - verb - to look at and consider something for a second time

5) co-own - verb - to share ownership of something with someone else or another group

6) co-author - verb/noun - to write something with another person/one of the shared writers of text

7) re-enter - verb - to enter somewhere for a second time

8) re-evaluate - verb - to evaluate what is good or bad about something a second time

9) re-energise - verb - to bring energy back into something

10) re-elect - verb - to elect someone or something to a position of importance for a second time

22nd - 28th September Spellings


Turning -ent Adjectives into -ence/-ency Nouns


1) innocent - adjective - not guilt of a crime

2) innocence - noun  - the state or fact of not being guilty

3) decent - adjective - generally acceptable, such as quality or behaviour

4) decency - noun - behaviour that is shown to be acceptable

5) excellent - adjective - extremely good or outstanding

6) excellence - noun - the quality of being outstanding or extremely good

7) confident - adjective - feeling sure of yourself or of something

8) confidence - noun - the feeling or belief that you can have faith in that thing or person

9) existent - adjective - having reality

10) existence - noun - the state of being real

15th-21st September - Spelling list


Turning -ant Adjectives into -ancy/-ance Nouns


  1. observant - adjective - quick to notice things
  2. observance - noun - the name for the action of observing things
  3. hesitant - adjective - unsure and slow when doing things
  4. hesitancy - noun - the state of being hesitant
  5. expectant - adjective - showing that you think something is going to happen, often good
  6. expectancy - noun - the state of think that something will happen, especially good
  7. tolerant - adjective - showing that you accept thing that you wouldn't do yourself
  8. tolerance - noun - the ability to tolerate
  9. relevant - adjective - something closely linked to what is being done or spoken about
  10. relevance - noun - when something is relevant

9th-14th September Spellings

This week's words are homophones, which means words that sound the same but are spelled differently.


  1. advice - noun - guidance or helpful suggestions
  2. advise - verb - to offer someone guidance or suggestions
  3. device - noun - a thing/object made for a specific purpose
  4. devise - verb - to plan or invent something
  5. licence - noun - something that gives you permission to do something, such as drive a vehicle
  6. license - verb - to give a licence to someone
  7. practice - noun - when an idea or exercise is put into place, such as writing practice
  8. practise - verb - to perform an activity again and again in order to improve at the activity
  9. prophecy - noun - a prediction of something that will happen in the future
  10. prophesy - verb - to say what will happen in the future



These homophones all have a noun version and a verb version, which makes them different. Did you notice that the nouns are all ce or cy, whilst the verbs are all se or sy?

4th-8th September spellings


All words have the type and an example of a short definition next to them.


  1. aggressive - adjective - ready or likely to attack
  2. hostile - adjective - very unfriendly
  3. awkward - adjective - causes difficulty
  4. obstinate - adjective - stubborn; refuses to change their mind
  5. desperate - adjective - feeling hopeless
  6. frantic - adjective - distraught with fear or anxiety
  7. disastrous - adjective - causing great damage
  8. calamitous - adjective - involving a calamity or a catastrophe
  9. marvellous - adjective - something wonderful or extraordinary
  10. spectacular - adjective - something beautiful and eye-catching


30th June-6th July - Spelling list

Antonyms and synonyms for hot and cold. The following words are all adjectives.

1) scorching

2) searing

3) sizzling

4) blistering

5) sweltering

6) chilly

7) frozen

8) arctic

9) bitter

10) wintry

23rd-29th June - Spelling list 

Synonyms and antonyms for loud or quiet noises. The following words are all used as adjectives. 


1) deafening 

2) piercing 

3) blaring 

4) ear-piercing 

5) raucous 

6) silent 

7) tranquil 

8) inaudible 

9) unobtrusive 

10) peaceful 

16th-22nd June - Spelling list


Antonyms and synonyms for happy and unhappy feelings. The following words are all adjectives.


1) ecstatic

2) jovial

3) exultant

4) elated

5) delighted

6) despondent

7) forlorn

8) dejected

9) woeful

10) dismal

9th-15th June

Antonyms and Synonyms - all of these words are adjective to describe either big or small sizes.


1) immense

2) vast

3) gigantic

4) gargantuan

5) mammoth

6) miniature

7) minuscule

8) insignificant

9) microscopic

10) petite

6th-9th June - Spelling list


Antonyms and Synonyms


All these examples are verbs.



1) bellowed

2) screeched

3) squealed

4) shrieked

5) squawked

6) whispered

7) murmured

8) breathed

9) sighed

10) muttered

19th-26th May - Spelling List

Words ending in -ible


All these words are adjectives as they would describe nouns.


1) possible

2) horrible

3) terrible

4) visible

5) incredible

6) sensible

7) forcible

8) legible

9) responsible

10) reversible

12-19th May - Spelling list


Words with a long /o/ sound spelt ‘ou’ or ‘ow’


  1. shoulder - noun
  2. smoulder - verb/noun
  3. mould - noun
  4. poultry - noun
  5. soul - noun
  6. shallow - adjective
  7. window - noun
  8. blown - verb
  9. known - verb/adjective
  10. thrown - verb/adjective

5th-12th May 2023

Words that are nouns and verbs


1) produce

2) present

3) reason

4) silence

5) support

6) transport

7) surprise

8) scratch

9) freeze

10) balance

28th April-5th May 2023 - Spelling list


Words that are nouns and verbs


1) challenge 

2) damage

3) broadcast

4) benefit

5) charge

6) function

7) influence

8) interest

9) object

10) protest

21st-27th April 2023 - Spelling list

Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning.



1) programme - noun - this word has many definitions, such as: a series of events with a long-term aim; a television show; and a series of code for computing.

2) telegram - noun - a message sent by telegraph, not used commonly any more.

3) hologram - noun - a 3D image made-up of lights.

4) diagram - noun - a simplified drawing showing how something works or is made.

5) grammar - noun - the whole system and structure of a language.

6) grammatical - adjective - describes whether the structure of a sentence (or language) is well put together.

7) parallelogram - noun - a 2D shape with four sides; two pairs of sides of equal length; two pairs of angles of equal degrees; and two pairs of parallel sides.

8) monogram - noun - two or more initials of a person interwoven in the style of a logo.

9) programmer - noun - a person who writes code for computers.

10) program - verb - to write coded instructions for computers.

17th-20th April 2023 - Spelling list


Words ending in -ibly

All of these words are adverbs.


1) possibly

2) horribly

3) terribly

4) visibly

5) incredibly

6) sensibly

7) forcibly

8) legibly

9) responsibly

10) reversibly

24th-30th March 2023 - Spelling list

Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning


1) signature - noun - a person's name written in a distinctive way to act as identification

2) assign - verb - to allocate a job or task

3) design - noun/verb - a plan or drawing of something to be produced/ to decide how something will look or be made

4) designate - verb - to appoint someone to a specific role

5) significant - adjective - noteworthy; important enough to deserve attention

6) resignation - noun - the act of resigning from a job

7) resign - verb - to voluntarily leave a job

8) insignificant - adjective - too small or unimportant to be worth considering

9) assignment - noun - a task or piece of work allocated to people for studying

10) signal - noun - a gesture or action to give an instruction.

17th-23rd March 2023 - spelling list


Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning


1) accommodate - verb - to provide a room or space for someone or something

2) accompany - verb - to go somewhere with someone as their companion

3) access - verb/noun - to get into an area/ a spot where you can get in

4) accuse - verb - to charge someone with a crime or offence

5) accost - verb - to approach someone boldly or aggressively

6) accrue - verb - to gain something in amounts regularly

7) accuracy - noun - the quality or state of being precise or on target

8) accomplish - verb - to achieve or complete something successfully

9) accumulate - verb - to gather together or gain an increasing number of something

10) accentuate - verb - to make more noticeable or prominent

10th-16th March 2023 - spelling list

Words with a 'soft c' spelt 'ce'


1) cemetery - noun - a large burial ground, usually found in a churchyard

2) certificate - noun - an official document to prove you have completed something

3) celebrate - verb - to do something to acknowledge an event, like a birthday

4) necessary - adjective - needed to be done

5) deceased - adjective - recently dead

6) December - proper noun - the twelfth month of the year

7) sacrifice - verb - to give something up; to kill or offer something as a religious sacrifice

8) hindrance - noun - a thing that causes a delay or a problem

9) nuisance - adjective - annoying or intrusive

10) prejudice - noun - having a negative idea about someone/something that is not based on a reason or actual experience

3rd-9th March 2023 - spelling list


Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a consonant letter


1) partial - adjective - part of; not complete

2) confidential - adjective - meant to be kept secret

3) essential - adjective - extremely important or necessary

4) substantial - adjective - a large amount

5) torrential - adjective - falling rapidly and in large quantities

6) sequential - adjective - forming or following in a logical order/in a sequence

7) potential - adjective - having or showing the capability to develop in the future

8) spatial - adjective - used to describe a space or area

9) martial - adjective - relating to fighting or war

10) influential - adjective - having a great influence on something or someone

27th February - 2nd March 2023 - Spelling list

Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a vowel letter


1) official - adjective - relating to authority

2) special - adjective - better, greater or otherwise different from what is usual

3) artificial - adjective - made or producing by humans rather than being formed naturally

4) social - adjective - relating to society or its organisation

5) racial - adjective - relating to major groupings that humankind is sometimes divided based on physical or ancestral characteristics

6) crucial - adjective - decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something

7) facial - adjective - of or affecting the face

8) beneficial - adjective - resulting in good; favourable or advantageous

9) superficial - adjective - existing or occurring at the top or on the surface

10) antisocial - adjective - acting against what is normally socially acceptable, generally causing annoyance.

10th-16th February 2023 - spelling list

Statutory Spelling Challenge Words


1) attached - adjective - joined to something

2) available - adjective - able to be used or obtained

3) average - adjective - in Maths it can be the mean, mode, median or range; in more general terms, it is the general amount

4) controversy - noun - a long-lasting disagreement, usually in public

5) correspond - verb - to have a close similarity

6) embarrass - verb - to cause someone to feel awkward, self-conscious or ashamed

7) competition - noun - an activity or condition where individuals or groups try to show they are the best

8) especially - adverb - used to single out one person or thing above the others

9) conscience - noun - the sense or consciousness of moral goodness

10) exaggerate - verb - represent something as being better, bigger or worse than it really is

3rd-9th February 2023 - spelling list

Word Families Based on Common Words, Showing How Words Are Related in Form and Meaning


1) interrupt - verb - to stop something from happening

2) interfere - verb - to prevent something from happening properly

3) intercept - verb - to cut something off and take it before it gets to where it was supposed to go

4) interject - verb - to say something abruptly, often to interrupt

5) intertwine - verb - to twist together

6) interim - noun - the time in between two things

7) internal - adjective - something on the inside

8) intersperse - verb - to scatter among or between other things

9) interloper - noun - a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted

10) interest - the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone more

27th January-2nd February 2023 - Spelling list


Spellings That Belong to the Same Family of Words

1) commit - verb - to carry out an action or to promise to do something

2) committee - noun - a group of people put together to make decisions for a larger purpose or group of people

3) transmit - verb - to pass something on from one place or person to another

4) submit - verb - to send in something (like work) or to give in to a superior force

5) commitment - noun - the state or quality of being committed to a cause

6) emit - verb - to produce or discharge (such as producing sound)

7) permit - verb/noun - to allow someone to do something/a document that officially allows someone to do something

8) intermittent - adjective - occurring every so often or irregularly

9) omit - verb - to leave something out

10) unremitting - adjective - never letting up or never relaxing

20th-26th January 2023 - spelling list


Words with a Long /e/ Sound Spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ after ‘c’ (And Exceptions)


1) deceive - verb - to deliberately cause someone to believe something that is not true

2) conceive - verb - to form something, like an idea

3) receive - verb - to be given something

4) perceive - verb - to become aware of something

5) ceiling - noun - the upper inside part of a room

6) receipt - noun - the action of receiving something; something that shows you have received something

7) protein - noun - thins found in food like meat and beans that help to repair and grow our muscles

8) caffeine - noun - a legal drug that stimulates the nervous system of your body found in tea, coffee, coke and energy drinks

9) seize - verb - to suddenly and forcefully take hold of something.

10) neither - determiner - to show that you do not want any of the two objects

13th-19th January 2023 - spelling list


Words with a Long /e/ Sound Spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ After ‘c’ (and Exceptions)


1) siege - noun - a military operation to attack a place

2) niece - noun - the daughter of someone's brother or sister

3) grief - noun - intense sorrow, often caused by someone's death

4) chief - noun - a leader or ruler of a group/clan

5) fiend - noun - an evil spirit or demon

6) shriek - noun - a high-pitched, piercing scream, usually in fear

7) believe - verb - to accept something is true

8) achieve - verb - to successfully do something, usually through effort

9) convenience - noun - the state of being able to do something without much effort

10) mischievous - adjective - causing trouble or enjoying causing trouble

4th-12th January 2023 - Weekly Spelling List


Adding Suffixes Beginning with Vowel Letters to Words Ending in -fer


1) referring - present tense verb - mentioning or alluding to something

2) referred - past tense verb - mentioned or alluded to

3) referral - noun - the act of referring, such as to a doctor

4) reference - noun - information someone refers to

5) referee - noun - an official person who watches to make sure the rules are followed

6) preferring - present tense verb - to like one thing more than another

7) preferred - past tense verb - to like one thing more than another

8) preference - noun - the thing you like more than the other thing

9) transferring - verb - moving one thing from one place to another

10) transference - noun - the action of moving one thing from one place to another

9th-16th December 2022


This week, we will be recapping the spelling rules from the Autumn term.

2nd-8th December 2022 - Weekly spelling list


Prefixes micro- and mini-


1) minibus - noun - a small bus

2) miniskirt - noun - a short skirt

3) minicam - noun - a small camera

4) minimum - noun - the smallest amount

5) microscope - noun - a device used for seeing very small objects in greater detail

6) microchip - noun - a tiny wafer of semiconducting material used to make an integrated circuit

7) minibeast - noun - a small invertebrate like an insect or a spider

8) microphone - noun - a device that converts sound waves into electrical energy that can then be amplified (made louder)

9) minicab - noun - a type of taxi

10) microwave - noun - a very small electromagnet waves that is used in for radars and cooking

25th November-1st December 2022 - Spelling list


Word Families Based on Common Words


1) suggest - verb - to put forward for consideration

2) digest - verb - to break down food in the body

3) congestion - noun - a build of something that blocks a passage

4) gesture - noun - a movement with a body part to express a meaning

5) gestation - noun - the process of developing inside the womb between conception and birth

6) lightning - noun - an electric discharge in the sky

7) daylight - noun - the natural light of the day

8) enlighten - verb - to give greater knowledge about a subject

9) twilight - noun - the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon

10) limelight - noun - the focus of public attention

18th - 24th November 2022 - Weekly Spelling List


Words That Belong to the Same Word Family


1) temperature - noun - the measure of hot or cold

2) temper - noun - a person's state of mind, whether they are angry or calm

3) temperament - noun - a person's or animal's nature, especially as it affects their behaviour

4) tempered - adjective - usually used as part of a combined word, like ill-tempered, to describe someone's temper

5) variety - noun - the state or quality of being different

6) vary - verb - to differ in something, such as sizes

7) variation - noun - a change in something's condition from one to the next

8) varied - adjective - describing a lot of differences

9) variable - adjective - not consistent; not having a fixed pattern

10) variance - noun - the state of being different

11th-17th November 2022 - Spelling list


Words Ending in -ably


1) adorably - adverb - in a way that inspires great affection

2) valuably - adverb - in a valuable way

3) believably - adverb - in a a believable way

4) changeably - adverb - able to be changed

5) noticeably - adverb - in a what that is easily seen or noticed

6) dependably - adverb - in a trustworthy or predictable way

7) considerably - adverb - by a noticeably large amount

8) comfortably - adverb - in a physically relaxed way

9) tolerably - adverb - capable of being tolerated

10) reasonably - adverb - in a sensible way

4th-10th November 2022 - Spelling list

-able Endings Where the Root Word Ends in ‘e’


1) adorable - adjective - inspiring delight or great affection

2) valuable - adjective - worth a great deal of money

3) advisable - adjective - sensible; to be recommended

4) believable - adjective - able to be believed

5) desirable - adjective - wished for as being useful or attractive

6) excitable - adjective - easily excited

7) knowledgeable - adjective - intelligent and well-informed

8) likeable - adjective - pleasant, friendly or easy to like

9) changeable - adjective - able to be changed, often easily

10) noticeable - adjective - easily seen or noticed

31st October-3rd November 2022 - Spelling List


Words Ending in -able


  1. applicable - adjective - relevant or appropriate
  2. tolerable - adjective - able to be endured
  3. operable - adjective - able to be used
  4. considerable - adjective - notably large in size or amount
  5. comfortable - adjective - providing a feeling of physical ease or relaxation
  6. reasonable - adjective - fair and sensible
  7. perishable - adjective - likely to decay or go bad quickly
  8. breakable - adjective - capable of breaking or being broken
  9. dependable - adjective - trustworthy or reliable
  10. fashionable - adjective - the current popular style

14th-20th October 2022 - Spelling List 


Hyphenated Compound Adjectives 


1) man-eating - adjective - describes something that could eat a person 

2) tight-fisted - adjective - describes someone who does not want to give something away, such as money 

3) little-used - adjective - describes when something is not used very much 

4) cold-hearted - adjective - describes when someone shows no caring for others 

5) rock-bottom - adjective - describes the lowest emotional point for someone 

6) stone-faced - adjective - describes someone not showing any emotion despite what is happening around them 

7) wide-eyed - adjective - describes a surprised expression 

8) green-eyed - adjective - describes a jealous or envious emotion 

9) pig-headed - adjective - describes someone acting in a way where they will not listen to reason 

10) short-tempered - adjective - describes when someone is quick to becoming angry 

7th-13th October 2022 - Spelling list


Hyphenated prefix words


1) co-operate - verb - to work with someone or another group

2) re-educate - verb - to educate someone again in a subject

3) co-ordinate - verb - to bring different parts together in order to organise them

4) re-examine - verb - to look at and consider something for a second time

5) co-own - verb - to share ownership of something with someone else or another group

6) co-author - verb/noun - to write something with another person/one of the shared writers of text

7) re-enter - verb - to enter somewhere for a second time

8) re-evaluate - verb - to evaluate what is good or bad about something a second time

9) re-energise - verb - to bring energy back into something

10) re-elect - verb - to elect someone or something to a position of importance for a second time

30th September - 6th October Spellings


Turning -ent Adjectives into -ence/-ency Nouns


1) innocent - adjective - not guilt of a crime

2) innocence - noun  - the state or fact of not being guilty

3) decent - adjective - generally acceptable, such as quality or behaviour

4) decency - noun - behaviour that is shown to be acceptable

5) excellent - adjective - extremely good or outstanding

6) excellence - noun - the quality of being outstanding or extremely good

7) confident - adjective - feeling sure of yourself or of something

8) confidence - noun - the feeling or belief that you can have faith in that thing or person

9) existent - adjective - having reality

10) existence - noun - the state of being real

23rd-29th September - Spelling list


Turning -ant Adjectives into -ancy/-ance Nouns


  1. observant - adjective - quick to notice things
  2. observance - noun - the name for the action of observing things
  3. hesitant - adjective - unsure and slow when doing things
  4. hesitancy - noun - the state of being hesitant
  5. expectant - adjective - showing that you think something is going to happen, often good
  6. expectancy - noun - the state of think that something will happen, especially good
  7. tolerant - adjective - showing that you accept thing that you wouldn't do yourself
  8. tolerance - noun - the ability to tolerate
  9. relevant - adjective - something closely linked to what is being done or spoken about
  10. relevance - noun - when something is relevant

16th-22nd September Spellings

This week's words are homophones, which means words that sound the same but are spelled differently.


  1. advice - noun - guidance or helpful suggestions
  2. advise - verb - to offer someone guidance or suggestions
  3. device - noun - a thing/object made for a specific purpose
  4. devise - verb - to plan or invent something
  5. licence - noun - something that gives you permission to do something, such as drive a vehicle
  6. license - verb - to give a licence to someone
  7. practice - noun - when an idea or exercise is put into place, such as writing practice
  8. practise - verb - to perform an activity again and again in order to improve at the activity
  9. prophecy - noun - a prediction of something that will happen in the future
  10. prophesy - verb - to say what will happen in the future

7th-15th September spellings

This is your first list of spellings. You will have slightly longer to practise these as it is your first set of words. A small group of you may be given a different list of spellings from Mrs Compton.

All words have the type and an example of a short definition next to them.


  1. aggressive - adjective - ready or likely to attack
  2. hostile - adjective - very unfriendly
  3. awkward - adjective - causes difficulty
  4. obstinate - adjective - stubborn; refuses to change their mind
  5. desperate - adjective - feeling hopeless
  6. frantic - adjective - distraught with fear or anxiety
  7. disastrous - adjective - causing great damage
  8. calamitous - adjective - involving a calamity or a catastrophe
  9. marvellous - adjective - something wonderful or extraordinary
  10. spectacular - adjective - something beautiful and eye-catching