Lock Down Procedures
Please remember that the likelihood of the school needing to evacuate or lock down is a rare one.
In the event of an actual lock down or evacuation, any incident or development will be communicated to parents as soon as is practicable and as advised by the Local Authority.
We will aim to reassure you and know that we would do everything possible to ensure the safety and well-being of your child.
We will inform you (via school email or text) that 'the school is in a full lock down situation. During this period the switchboard and entrances will be unmanned, external doors locked and nobody allowed in or out.
During this time parents do not need to contact the school, indeed calling the school could tie up the telephone lines which may be needed for contacting emergency support providers.
During this time parents should not come to the school, this could interfere with emergency provider's access to the school and may even put people, including themselves in danger.
Parents should wait for the school to contact them regarding time and place of collection of their children.