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Westgate Primary School

We Teach, We Learn, We Care


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Will my child sit the tests at the end of each key stage?

  • Children in Year 1 are tested on their Phonics skills towards the end of the year. All children will be tested.  These are completed 1:1 with the child’s class teacher in a format that is familiar to the children.   Children who do not meet the required standard will be retested at end of the following academic year.
  • Children in year 2 are tested in Reading, Writing and Maths towards the end of the academic year. These tests are delivered informally and we strive to ensure that these are in no way stressful for your child. In exceptional circumstances, where a child is still working at P levels, it may not be considered appropriate for them to sit the tests and you would be informed of this decision.
  • Similarly, children in Year 6 sit tests in Reading, Writing, Spelling Punctuation and Grammar and Maths. All children will sit these tests unless they are attaining at a level significantly below national expectations and to sit them would cause them to become stressed/upset. In these instances, the school would request that they were “disapplied” and would inform you that this is happening.
  • For some children who have a Special Educational Need, schools can apply for a child to have extra time, or the provision of a “reader” or “scribe”, providing this has been normal practice during the course of the school year.