How will the school prepare and support my child when joining the school?
Many strategies are in place to enable the pupil’s transition to be as smooth as possible. These include:
- Discussions between the previous or receiving schools prior to the pupil joining/leaving.
- Pupils entering at the start of the year will have the opportunity to spend time in their new class prior to joining. Where a move happens mid-year, we will liaise closely with the school and support extra visits if possible.
- For a pupil with an Education Health Care Plan, an additional meeting may be arranged between yourselves and the SENDCo involved prior to starting to ensure that the necessary provision is in place.
- Sometimes it is appropriate to make additional resources to support the transition such as a transition photograph book.
- The SENDCo may need to liaise with outside agencies prior to your child starting to ensure that appropriate training/ provision is in place.
- The school will endeavour to welcome your child into school within the required timescale. However, if to have your child at school without the necessary training and support, would put your child or school staff at risk, the school may not be able to receive your child until this is in place. Notifying the school of your child’s needs at the earliest opportunity will help to speed up this process.
- On arrival, your child will be matched up with a ‘buddy’ in the class who can support them over the first few days, help them to learn new routines and make friends quickly.