More Able Provision
Supporting More Able Pupils
At Westgate Primary School we recognise that we work with a number of more able pupils, these are children who show a particular skill or aptitude in one or more curriculum subject. At Westgate we aim to ensure that all pupils are extended and stretched to reach their full potential. All of the adults in school have high expectations for pupils and provide a range of differentiated provision in class that offers appropriate challenges.
We define a more able child as any child who is attaining above their 'Age Related Expectations' this means they are doing better than the National Curriculum for their age dictates. Higher attaining pupils will be predominately supported by their class teachers and given activities that allow them to gain further ‘mastery’ of their learning by applying it in different ways.
Additional Enrichment Provision for more able pupils
- Foundation stage and Key Stage 1- Children are predominantly supported in class through extension work, and opportunities to work at greater depth, offered by class teachers
- Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 – Pupils will have opportunities for enrichment and extension work across the year group in flexible groupings. Pupils may also be invited to attend curriculum enrichment events at local secondary schools and with visiting secondary school teachers.
More Able Maths Group
Dr Thill, from Warwick School, has worked with our more able mathematicians in Year 5 and Year 6 on a range of challenging mathematical work. This has included tasks normally intended for much older students. The children are benefiting hugely from this weekly work and the following statements were made by the children following a recent session:
“I can’t wait until next week”, “that was amazing!” and “that was really difficult maths—I loved it.”
Dr. Thill was very complimentary about the children’s energy and their maths ability. He explained that the work that the children had been completing was challenging Year 7 and Year 8 work.
11+ Club
Mr. Watson runs an 11+ Club for those children in Year 5 who may be contemplating taking the 11+ at the start of Year 6. This includes tackling verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions as well as reading comprehension and words use in English and complex mathematical problems.
See below for examples of non-verbal reasoning questions.