Will I know if the school has concerns about my child?
- As soon as the school identifies that your child needs additional support with a particular aspect of their education, you will be informed by your child’s class teacher. Any additional support will be recorded on the School Provision Map. You will also have a copy of your child’s targets in the form of an IEP. These are then reviewed termly following ‘The Graduated Approach.’
- A child’s progress and next steps are discussed termly and shared with parents at parents’ evenings. Further support or assessment may be needed at this point. Targets will be reviewed and reported, before creating new targets if necessary.
- All parents are welcome to make an appointment to meet with the SENDCo to discuss their child’s needs and provision. Alternatively, you can have a telephone conversation with the SENDCo by phoning the school office.
- If a child’s needs are complex and require significant additional support, regular meetings will be arranged between parents, the SENDCo and the Class teacher.