Home Learning 18/03/2020
Wednesday 18th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
There are a number of our families who are now self-isolating so we have put together some online learning links. We will send home more detailed home learning guidance and activities if the school becomes completely closed.
Reading – please continue to read daily and ask questions about what you child has read. Children can log into their accelerated reader account (year 2 – year 6) and take quizzes on books they have read, including own books from home. The web address for AR is: ukhosted79.renlearn.co.uk/1896670
Writing – Choose an image from this website: http://www.pobble365.com and write your own story/sentences/description based on the image.
Maths – practice times tables and other maths facts using the following websites:
Topic - Use the internet to research an aspect of your current learning topic in school (see topic letters on the school website if you are not sure of the topic). Create an information page about your topic.
General learning and activities
Twinkl is widely used by teachers in school to support teaching and learning. They have enabled free access for parents to their resources for 1 month. Go to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
Websites to support phonics and reading http://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/letters-and-sounds
Websites to support computing http://https://www.codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/
Website to support topic work (games and quizzes) |
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Watson Sarah Tyrell
Headteacher Deputy Headteacher and Curriculum Lead